Aliens: The Official Movie Book

Aliens: The Official Movie Book was also released by the excellent Starlog, about which I can't say enough, and was released at the same time as their Official Movie Magazine.

The Movie Book isn't really a book per say at all, and it's a thicker magazine. While the cover could have been better (the cropping job isn't the best), the content, while recycled, is pretty cool. What do I mean by recycled? Well, as far as text, t's all from the Movie Magazine which is a bit weird since it was on the stands at the same time. The Movie Book has a larger article which just binds all the interviews/best quotes from the Movie Magazine together with some sentences. Outside of the article, it's all a photo book with extra posters. That's not taking anything away from it, since the pics are really good and a lot of them I would say are pretty rare today. And there's really plenty, plenty of them. So overall I'd say that the Aliens: Official Movie Book is a photo book with one article which highlights the most interesting parts of the interviews from the Movie Magazine

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